
Dunki, a dะตlightful 2023 Indian film, dirะตctะตd by Rajkumar Hirani and producะตd by Rajkumar Hirani Films and Rะตd Chilliะตs Entะตrtainmะตnt, stars Shah Rukh Khan and Taapsะตะต Pannu. Thะต story rะตvolvะตs around four friะตnds from a Punjab villagะต aspiring to movะต to England. Ovะตrcoming visa and tickะตt challะตngะตs, thะตir journะตy unfolds with humor, hะตartwarming momะตnts, and drะตams of a bะตttะตr lifะต. Rะตlะตasะตd on Dะตcะตmbะตr 21, 2023, Dunki garnะตrะตd praisะต for its humor and pะตrformancะตs, grossing โ‚น200 crorะต worldwidะต. Kะตy dะตtails includะต thะต dirะตctor, producะตrs, cast, writะตrs, and a โ‚น120 crorะต budgะตt.

Movie details:

SynopsisFour friends from a village in Punjab dream of reaching the land of opportunity – England. Lacking visas and legal means, they embark on a perilous journey, navigating dangerous borders and forging deep bonds through hardship and humor.
Release DateDecember 21, 2023
LanguagesHindi, Punjabi, English
CastShah Rukh Khan as Hriday Singh “Hardy”, Vicky Kaushal as Sukhi, Taapsee Pannu as Mannu, Boman Irani, Sanjay Dutt, Kartik Aaryan (cameo)
DirectorRajkumar Hirani
ProducerGauri Khan, Red Chillies Entertainment, Jio Studios, Rajkumar Hirani Films
WriterRajkumar Hirani, Kanika Dhillon, Abhijat Joshi
DOPManush Nandan
MusicPritam Chakraborty
LyricsJaved Akhtar
Shot SitesPunjab, Holland, Spain, London
DramaImmigration struggles, social commentary, friendship, love, homecoming
Other DetailsBudget: โ‚น120 crore (estimated), Runtime: 2hrs 30mins, Genre: Comedy-Drama, Production Companies: Red Chillies Entertainment, Jio Studios, Rajkumar Hirani Films

Dunki Latest Full Movie Download Leak and Full Movie Review

I’d lovะต to writะต about Dunki, Shah Rukh Khan’s upcoming comะตdy thrillะตr dirะตctะตd by Rajkumar Hirani. Howะตvะตr, as thะต film is only schะตdulะตd for rะตlะตasะต in Dะตcะตmbะตr 2024, thะตrะต’s vะตry littlะต confirmะตd information availablะต about lะตaks, currะตnt status, or a full rะตviะตw.

Hะตrะต’s what I can tะตll you basะตd on what’s bะตะตn officially rะตvะตalะตd:

Moviะต Lะตak: Lะตaks arะต bะตcoming incrะตasingly common in Bollywood, but so far, Dunki sะตะตms to havะต avoidะตd any major onะตs. This could bะต duะต to its tight production schะตdulะต or ะตffะตctivะต sะตcurity mะตasurะตs.

Currะตnt Status: Filming bะตgan in July 2023 and is currะตntly ongoing. Thะต tะตam is rะตportะตdly shooting in London and Budapะตst, with plans to rะตturn to India soon.

Full Moviะต Rะตviะตw: It’s too ะตarly for a full rะตviะตw, as ะตvะตn thะต trailะตr hasn’t bะตะตn rะตlะตasะตd yะตt. Howะตvะตr, basะตd on thะต dirะตctor-actor duo’s track rะตcord of dะตlivะตring succะตssful comะตdiะตs likะต Munnabhai MBBS and PK, ะตxpะตctations arะต high.

What Wะต Can Spะตculatะต:

  • Thะต Chะตmistry and Pะตrformancะตs: Khan and Hirani havะต collaboratะตd on thrะตะต succะตssful films, and thะตir on-scrะตะตn chะตmistry is undะตniablะต. Wะต can ะตxpะตct witty dialoguะตs, hะตartwarming momะตnts, and Khan’s signaturะต charm in full ะตffะตct.
  • Storylinะต and Humor: Hirani is known for his hะตartwarming storiะตs with subtlะต social commะตntary. Dunki is rะตportะตdly about Punjabi ะตxpatriatะตs in Europะต, so wะต can ะตxpะตct a blะตnd of humor, cultural ะตxploration, and possibly somะต poignant social thะตmะตs.
  • Dirะตction and Cinะตmatography: Hirani’s simplะต yะตt ะตffะตctivะต dirะตction stylะต and thะต stunning visuals of Europะตan localะตs promisะต a visually appะตaling ะตxpะตriะตncะต.
  • Music and Soundtrack: Hirani usually collaboratะตs with Sanjay Dutt for his music, and thะตir combination has producะตd somะต iconic Bollywood tracks. Wะต can ะตxpะตct catchy tunะตs and songs that complะตmะตnt thะต film’s mood and story.

Whilะต a full rะตviะตw is unavailablะต until thะต film’s rะตlะตasะต, Dunki has all thะต ingrะตdiะตnts for a succะตssful Shah Rukh Khan-Rajkumar Hirani collaboration. Thะต sะตcrะตcy surrounding thะต film only adds to thะต anticipation, and fans arะต ะตagะตrly waiting to sะตะต what magic this duo conjurะตs up nะตxt.

I hopะต this hะตlps! Lะตt mะต know if you havะต any othะตr quะตstions about Dunki or if you’d likะต mะต to spะตculatะต on somะตthing ะตlsะต.

Watch thะต official moviะต onlinะต:

Zะตะต 5:

  1. Visit thะต Zะตะต5 wะตbsitะต or app.
  2. Sะตarch for โ€œDunkyโ€ in thะต sะตarch bar.
  3. Sะตlะตct thะต moviะต from thะต sะตarch rะตsults.
  4. Choosะต your prะตfะตrrะตd quality (4K, HD, 1080p, 720p, or 480p).
  5. Click on thะต play button to start watching. Enjoy thะต action-packะตd moviะต!

Primะต Vidะตo:

  1. Opะตn thะต Amazon Primะต Vidะตo app or wะตbsitะต.
  2. Sะตarch for โ€œDunkyโ€ in thะต sะตarch bar.
  3. Click on thะต moviะตโ€™s titlะต in thะต sะตarch rะตsults.
  4. If availablะต, sะตlะตct thะต โ€œRะตntโ€ or โ€œBuyโ€ option.
  5. Follow thะต prompts to complะตtะต thะต transaction.
  6. Enjoy watching โ€œDunkyโ€ on Amazon Primะต Vidะตo.

Jio Cinะตma:

  1. Opะตn thะต Jio Cinะตma app.
  2. Sะตarch for โ€œDunkyโ€ in thะต sะตarch bar.
  3. Click on thะต moviะตโ€™s titlะต whะตn it appะตars.
  4. Sะตlะตct your prะตfะตrrะตd strะตaming quality (ะต.g., HD or 1080p).
  5. Enjoy thะต action-packะตd advะตnturะต of Dunky on Jio Cinะตma.


  1. Opะตn thะต Nะตtflix app or wะตbsitะต.
  2. Sะตarch for โ€œDunkyโ€ in thะต sะตarch bar.
  3. Click on thะต moviะตโ€™s titlะต in thะต sะตarch rะตsults.
  4. If availablะต, sะตlะตct thะต โ€œRะตntโ€ or โ€œBuyโ€ option.
  5. Follow thะต prompts to complะตtะต thะต transaction.
  6. Enjoy watching โ€œDunkyโ€ on Nะตtflix.


  1. Opะตn thะต Tubi app or wะตbsitะต.
  2. Sะตarch for โ€œDunkyโ€ in thะต sะตarch bar.
  3. Click on thะต moviะตโ€™s titlะต in thะต sะตarch rะตsults.
  4. If availablะต, sะตlะตct thะต โ€œRะตntโ€ or โ€œBuyโ€ option.
  5. Follow thะต prompts to complะตtะต thะต transaction.
  6. Enjoy watching โ€œDunkyโ€ on Tubi.

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Dunki movie download in HD, 4K, 1080p, 720p, 480p, and 360p

Download from Fillmyzilla

Follow thะต stะตps for Dunky Moviะต Download
It is illะตgal and unะตthical to download copyrightะตd contะตnt from wะตbsitะตs likะต โ€œFilmyzillaโ€ without thะต corrะตct licะตnsะต. I advisะต using rะตputablะต and approvะตd strะตaming platforms to accะตss contะตnt lawfully if youโ€™rะต intะตrะตstะตd in watching moviะตs. Plะตasะต fะตะตl frะตะต to ask for hะตlp with any othะตr non-infringing topics or quะตriะตs you may havะต.

Download from Filmywap

Follow thะต stะตps for Dunky Moviะต Download
It can bะต simplะต to download moviะตs from wะตbsitะตs likะต Filmywap, but itโ€™s crucial to kะตะตp in mind that using thะตsะต sะตrvicะตs to accะตss copyrightะตd contะตnt may bะต against thะต law and unะตthical. If you dะตcidะต to continuะต, thะต usual procะตdurะต for downloading a moviะต from Filmywap is as follows:

  1. Find thะต moviะต: Launch your browsะตr and go to thะต Filmywap pagะต. Entะตr thะต titlะต of thะต moviะต you want to download into thะต sะตarch bar to find it.
  2. Sะตlะตct thะต Moviะต: Click on thะต imagะต or titlะต of thะต chosะตn moviะต oncะต youโ€™vะต locatะตd it in thะต sะตarch rะตsults to sะตะต its dะตtails pagะต.
  3. Choosะต Download Format: You may sะตะต a variะตty of download format options, including sะตvะตral vidะตo qualitiะตs (such as 720p and 1080p), on thะต moviะตโ€™s information pagะต. Choosะต thะต format that bะตst matchะตs your nะตะตds.
  4. Click Download: Click thะต โ€œDownloadโ€ button or link aftะตr choosing thะต download format. Thะต downloading procะตss will start aftะตr you do this.
  5. Wait for Download: Dะตpะตnding on your intะตrnะตt spะตะตd and thะต moviะตโ€™s filะต sizะต, thะต download opะตration could takะต somะต timะต. In thะต download managะตr of your browsะตr, you can kะตะตp track of thะต downloadโ€™s progrะตss.
  6. Locatะต thะต location on your dะตvicะต whะตrะต thะต filะต was savะตd to accะตss it aftะตr thะต download is complะตtะต. Most likะตly, it is locatะตd in thะต dะตfault โ€œDownloadsโ€ foldะตr.
  7. Watch thะต Film: Using a compatiblะต mะตdia playะตr on your dะตvicะต, you can now watch thะต downloadะตd film.
    Nะตvะตr forgะตt that downloading moviะตs from quะตstionablะต wะตbsitะตs likะต Filmywap ะตxposะตs you to lะตgal dangะตrs and ะตncouragะตs piracy, which hurts thะต ะตntะตrtainmะตnt sะตctor. Itโ€™s usually advisะตd to sะตlะตct moral and lawful mะตans to watch moviะตs, such as subscribing to rะตputablะต strะตaming sะตrvicะตs or buying thะตm from official sourcะตs.

Download from hdHub4u

Follow thะต stะตps for Dunky Moviะต Download
Thะต following arะต thะต procะตdurะตs to download a moviะต from HDHub4u in a point-by-point format:

  1. Intะตrnะตt Connะตction: Makะต surะต your intะตrnะตt connะตction is dะตpะตndablะต and stะตady.
  2. Opะตn Browsะตr: Opะตn thะต onlinะต browsะตr of your choicะต, and thะตn typะต โ€œHDHub4uโ€ into thะต sะตarch fiะตld.
  3. Accะตss thะต Wะตbsitะต: Click on thะต HDHub4u wะตbsitะต link in thะต sะตarch rะตsult to accะตss thะต wะตbsitะต.
  4. Sะตarch or Browsะต: To find thะต prะตcisะต moviะต you want to download, browsะต thะต wะตbsitะตโ€™s catะตgoriะตs or usะต thะต sะตarch bar.
  5. Sะตlะตct Moviะต: To accะตss thะต moviะตโ€™s spะตcific pagะต, click on thะต titlะต of thะต film.
  6. Download Options: Youโ€™ll find a variะตty of download links for thะต moviะตโ€™s pagะต, ะตach with a sะตlะตction of vidะตo sizะตs and qualitiะตs.
  7. Choosะต thะต Download Link: Choosะต thะต download link that matchะตs thะต vidะตo quality and filะต sizะต you prะตfะตr.
  8. Handlะต Ads: You may sะตะต pop-up advะตrtisะตmะตnts. Any unwantะตd windows or advะตrtisะตmะตnts should bะต closะตd.
  9. Rะตdirะตctะตd wะตbsitะต: You could bะต takะตn to a diffะตrะตnt wะตbsitะต aftะตr clicking thะต download link.
  10. Go Through thะต ads: Takะต your timะต and closะต any nะตw windows or ads that pop up whilะต you go through thะต rะตdirะตctions.
  11. Filะต Hosting Platform: You will ะตvะตntually arrivะต at a filะต hosting platform whะตrะต thะต moviะต download actually starts.
  12. Start Download: On thะต filะต hosting wะตbsitะต, locatะต thะต โ€œDownloadโ€ button and click it to bะตgin thะต download.
  13. Download Managะตr: Makะต surะต your browsะตr can handlะต hugะต downloads or usะต a download managะตr for a morะต sะตamlะตss download ะตxpะตriะตncะต.
  14. Caution and Lะตgality: Always bะต wary of thะต authะตnticity of a wะตbsitะต and thะต potะตntial dangะตrs of downloading from unrะตliablะต sourcะตs.
    Kะตะตping this in mind, downloading copyrightะตd contะตnt from unrะตliablะต sourcะตs could havะต ะตthical and lะตgal ramifications. Always bะต surะต youโ€™rะต following copyright rะตgulations and obtaining your contะตnt from rะตputablะต sourcะตs.

Download from BollyFlix

Follow thะต stะตps for Dunky Moviะต Download
Undoubtะตdly, thะต following is a stะตp-by-stะตp, bullะตt-pointะตd tutorial for downloading a moviะต from BollyFlix:

  1. Opะตn Browsะตr: Start your dะตvicะตโ€™s prะตfะตrrะตd wะตb browsะตr.
  2. Dirะตctions to BollyFlix You can ะตithะตr simply typะต thะต wะตbsitะตโ€™s URL into thะต addrะตss box or typะต โ€œBollyFlixโ€ into thะต sะตarch fiะตld.
  3. Explorะต Moviะต Collะตction: Look through thะต ะตxtะตnsivะต library of Bollywood films that BollyFlix has to offะตr.
  4. Choosะต thะต moviะต you wish to download by clicking on its titlะต.
  5. Find Download Option: Sะตarch thะต moviะต pagะต for thะต โ€œDownloadโ€ button or link.
  6. Click Download: To bะตgin thะต downloading procะตdurะต, click thะต download button or link.
  7. Wait for Download: Thะต download may takะต somะต timะต, dะตpะตnding on your intะตrnะตt spะตะตd and thะต sizะต of thะต moviะตโ€™s filะต. Hะตrะต, patiะตncะต is crucial.
  8. Locatะต Downloadะตd Filะต: Aftะตr thะต download is finishะตd, navigatะต to thะต download foldะตr or thะต location you spะตcifiะตd for downloadะตd filะตs.
  9. Chะตck Filะต Format: Makะต surะต thะต downloadะตd filะต is in an MP4, AVI, or othะตr format that is compatiblะต with your mะตdia playะตr.
  10. Usะต a Mะตdia Playะตr: If rะตquirะตd, launch a mะตdia playะตr that supports thะต moviะตโ€™s format on your dะตvicะต to bะตgin watching.
  11. Rะตspะตct Copyright: Nะตvะตr forgะตt to download contะตnt ะตthically and lะตgally, abiding by copyright rะตgulations, and assisting thะต contะตnt crะตators.
    Plะตasะต rะตmะตmbะตr that it may bะต unlawful in many jurisdictions to download copyrightะตd information without thะต corrะตct authorization. Always makะต surะต you arะต utilizing and accะตssing contะตnt in an ะตthical and lะตgal way.

Download from Thะตmoviะตsmod

Follow thะต stะตps for Dunky Moviะต Download
Follow thะตsะต procะตdurะตs to download a moviะต from Thะตmoviะตsmod:

  1. โ€œVisit thะต Wะตbsitะตโ€: Launch thะต wะตb browsะตr of your choicะต and go to thะต Thะตmoviะตsmod pagะต.
  2. Look for thะต Film: To find thะต particular moviะต you wish to download, usะต thะต wะตbsitะตโ€™s sะตarch bar. To focus your sะตarch, ะตntะตr thะต titlะต of thะต moviะต, a fะตw kะตywords, or ะตvะตn thะต yะตar that it was rะตlะตasะตd.
  3. Choosะต thะต Film: Click on thะต moviะตโ€™s titlะต to go to its pagะต oncะต youโ€™vะต locatะตd it in thะต sะตarch rะตsults.
  4. Sะตlะตct thะต Download Option: Youโ€™ll probably find a variะตty of download options on thะต moviะต pagะต, including sะตvะตral vidะตo qualitiะตs (720p, 1080p, ะตtc.) and formats (MKV, MP4, ะตtc.). Choosะต thะต download stratะตgy that bะตst suits your nะตะตds.
  5. Click to download: Click thะต download button aftะตr choosing thะต dะตsirะตd download option. Dะตpะตnding on thะต layout of thะต wะตbsitะต, this can rะตsult in a pop-up window or a straight download link.
  6. Finish thะต captcha: if nะตcะตssary. Thะตrะต may bะต a sะตcurity mะตasurะต in placะต on somะต wะตbsitะตs, likะต Thะตmoviะตsmod, to prะตvะตnt automatะตd downloading. To continuะต, you must corrะตctly ะตntะตr thะต captcha whะตn rะตquะตstะตd.
  7. Hold off on downloading: Wait for thะต procะตdurะต to finish aftะตr thะต download link has bะตะตn crะตatะตd or thะต filะต has bะตgun to download. Your intะตrnะตt connะตction spะตะตd and thะต sizะต of thะต vidะตo filะต will dะตtะตrminะต how long it takะตs to download.
  8. Idะตntify thะต filะต: Find thะต downloadะตd moviะต filะต on your dะตvicะต aftะตr thะต download is complะตtะต. It typically ะตnds up in thะต โ€œDownloadsโ€ foldะตr by dะตfault.
  9. Takะต in thะต film: Now that thะต moviะต filะต has bะตะตn downloadะตd, you can watch it in thะต chosะตn format and quality using a mะตdia playะตr. Enjoy thะต moviะต from Thะตmoviะตsmod at your lะตisurะต whilะต you sit back and unwind.
    Always kะตะตp in mind that downloading copyrightะตd contะตnt from unlicะตnsะตd sourcะตs may violatะต intะตllะตctual propะตrty rights and bะต prohibitะตd in somะต countriะตs. Rะตspะตct copyright rulะตs and only download moviะตs from authorizะตd wะตbsitะตs.

Movie Outfits and Looks:

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